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As restrictions are being further eased, Kendo practices together with the Oxford City club will be resuming on Tuesday 5th Oct 2021.


The weekly training schedule is:

19:30 - 21:00 Tuesday (Acer Hall)

19:30 - 21:00 Thursday (Main Hall)


The Oxford City Club will also host weekly trainings on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Check out for latest calendar updates and locations of venues.


Both clubs offer trainings to beginners. So if you are a complete beginner and want to try out kendo please feel free to contact us (! First couple of sessions are free, just bring sporty clothing!


If you are thinking of going, please do contact the Oxford City club kendo team to let them know! (Their website is linked above, or you can check out the public facebook group (link at the bottom of the page))


At the moment (before the Sports fed makes it clear) we'll need to wear face coverings, use hand sanitizer and maintain social distancing while practicing non-contact movements. Please ensure that you refrain from coming if you have any Covid symptoms or have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive recently. You can join us when you are feeling better or are not at risk of spreading Covid :)


Updated 06/09/2021

Training Schedule 2021-2022: FAQ
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